Alan Kaye Shreveport show us other ways to treat pain
Ways to treat Pain Management – There are other ways to relieve pain. These can be used along with pain relievers. Consult hospice staff about the following techniques:
guided visualization
Touch or therapeutic touch
pet therapy
music or art therapy
hot and cold therapy
Over-the-counter medications, such as acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
The role of the patient
You play a critical role in managing your pain.
Ways to treat Pain Management by Alan Kaye
Alan Kaye Shreveport said this includes:
Notify hospice staff when you are in pain. Being clear that you are in pain makes it easier for staff to treat you.
Tell the hospice staff about any side effects you have.
Keep a pain record. Write down the intensity of your pain and when it appears. You should also write down the medicines you took. This helps hospice staff adjust them as needed.
Take medications as directed. If you wait too long to take your pain medicine, the pain will be harder to control. You may even need to increase the dose.
Alan Kaye – The role of relatives
It may be difficult for you to understand how your loved one is feeling. But the pain he suffers is real. And you can help. You can help your loved one by recording pain in a journal.
Make sure medications are given to you on time. Do not save pain relievers or wait to give them to your loved one. This can cause you more pain and withdrawal symptoms.
Pain relievers work best if they are taken on a regular schedule, before the pain intensifies. Remember that effective pain relief is an essential part of palliative care. Allow your loved one to have the best quality of life for the time they have left.